5 Easy Healthy Habits You Didn’t Think Of

The little things add up! Habits play a huge role in the efficiency of a well rounded routine and schedule. But what is a habit? A habit is an acquired behavior pattern by consistent repetition until it has become almost involuntary. 

Habits are important because they have a very strong influence on our behaviors and the direction our lives lead. They are not just simply checkmarks on a to-do list but a conscious effort to aid you in your day-to-day life. We get into habits of thinking, doing, and feeling. When we establish good habits, which in turn makes us feel healthier, more organized, and overall better about ourselves, the rest follows. These little building blocks of our days only grow stronger and more automatic over time, and even create neurological cravings. So it’s crucial to have the right ones! Remember, there is such a thing as bad habits and these can wreak havoc on our lives if we don’t recognize the unconscious behaviors.

Here are 5 awesome habits to consider & why they are beneficial!

1. Open the blinds as soon as you wake up

  • Helps You Feel Awake and Alert 

  • Promotes a Better Mood

  • Lower BMI

The human body associate's light with wakefulness. Blue wavelengths have the most powerful effect on your sleep-wake internal body clock. Natural blue light from the sun can boost your alertness, mental sharpness, positive mood, as well as your metabolism. Research has also shown that people who were exposed to sunlight in the morning had lower BMIs than those who weren’t.

2. Scrape your tongue

  • Improves Immune System and Overall Health

  • Improves Sense of Taste

  • Improves Dental Health

  • Improves Breath

I know this may sound odd at first, however this is one easy and efficient way to improve your overall well-being! Scraping your tongue is an ancient practice that was developed more than 3,000 years ago. It originated from Ayurvedic medicine (“Ayurveda” for short), one of the world's oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. While you sleep, your body works very hard to detoxify. Ever notice that white sludge on the base of your tongue when you wake up? Those are the toxins excreted from your body. To avoid re-ingesting all that, simply scrape the film off first thing in the morning before consuming any liquids or brushing your teeth.

As soon as that’s done, grab a nice big glass of water! It’s important to rehydrate your body after a long night of rest. And what better way to enjoy a refreshing glass of water than one with delicious and nutritious fruits and veggies… don’t know which mix to make? I’ve got you covered with my amazing Summer Detox Water recipes!!! CLICK HERE to get them for FREE!

3. Make your bed

-Feeling of accomplishment

-Increased productivity

-Improved sleep quality

-Reduced stress levels

It may seem like a small task, but when you start your day by making your bed you get a sense of accomplishment, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day. You are literally putting yesterday to bed and making way for a new day. A decluttered bed makes for a decluttered space, which makes for a decluttered mind, and in turn a decluttered life. Another benefit is better sleep quality. The National Sleep Foundation conducted a poll and found that people who make their bed in the morning are 19% more likely to have a good night's sleep.

4. Stretch in the Morning and/or Before Bed

In general, stretching can help:

-relieve tension and reduce body pain

-relaxes your muscles

-reduce stress and improve mood

-increase mobility and flexibility

-improve muscle health and performance

-reduce risk of injury

-promote weight loss

-improve circulation and increase blood flow

In the morning: 

-gives you an energy boost!

At night: 

-promotes better sleep quality

-helps prevent pain the next day

Stretching in the morning may help relieve tension and pain from a long night of lying still. When you sleep, your muscles relax, blood flow decreases, and your heart rate slows. If you are lying in the same position all night, your muscles tend to tighten up. Stretching will aid your mobility, help you avoid injury, and help you focus throughout the day.

If you struggle to fall or stay asleep, stretching may help you do so! It can help improve blood flow and relieve muscle tension, both of which aid in muscle recovery and sleep quality. The more you can get your body to relax before sleep, the more effective your sleep will be.

If you spend your days in the office or at home seated, I definitely recommend taking the time to get up and stretch every hour or so. Don’t have time to leave that seated? No worries! Here is a FREE Seated Yoga Stretch you can do at the comfort of your own desk. CLICK HERE!

5. Get 20 minutes of Sun a Day

-Fights disease

-Boosts Weight Loss

-Reduces Depression & Elevates Mood

-Improved Sleep Quality

Soaking up Vitamin D from the sun is vital in regulating the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and facilitating normal immune system function. Vitamin D is important for the growth and development, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.

Daylight helps improve your sleep by regulating your circadian rhythms. Researchers found that people exposed to greater amounts of light during the morning hours fell asleep more quickly and had fewer sleep disturbances during the night.

Studies have shown that sunlight can boost weight loss! When the sun's blue light penetrates our skin and reaches the fat cells beneath, lipid droplets reduce in size and are released out of the cell. In other words, our cells don't store as much fat. Also, as mentioned before, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Extra calcium and vitamin D has an appetite-suppressing effect, which in turn can help you with portion control.

A bit of natural sunlight everyday may help with your weight loss journey, however the most important factors are and will always be exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet! But who has the time to spend countless hours in the gym and measuring all their food? As a mother of 2 little ones I sure don’t, but I know the value of time and staying healthy! That’s why I created the One and Done exercise program, and MetaBoost Connection nutrition program.

CLICK HERE to find out how only 7-minutes a day of exercise can change your life!

CLICK HERE to find out more about my easy to follow nutrition program!

Bad habits are hard to break, but once you set your mind to it and make the effort to adopt a healthier lifestyle, you won’t regret it! Healthy habits reduce the risk of certain diseases, improve your physical and mental health, and give your energy level the boost it needs to truly get the most out of your days and enjoy life!


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