Welcome One & Done and MetaBoost Customers!
Frequently Asked Questions
I just looked at my credit card statement, what is this charge from“SVtrain.com”?
You purchased one of our Svelte programs: The One and Done Workout or The MetaBoost Connection. You can login here: https://members.sveltetraining.com/ . using the email you used during the checkout process. If you are unsure of your of you password you can use your email and select “Forgot Password.”
Why was I charged $49?
Your purchase of One & Done or the MetaBoost Connections was a one-time payment with unlimited access. During the order process, you chose to take advantage of the 7-day free trial access to the Accelerated Body Transformation Club (ABTC). The subscription is free for 7 days $49/month thereafter.
If you would like to cancel your membership please use THIS LINK.
What is the Accelerated Body Transformation Club (ABTC)?
ABTC is a monthly membership to really incorporate a healthy lifestyle in your daily activities. Use it every week to maintain a slender figure and to keep your heart healthy, and here is what you get with your membership each month:
We are going to be here on every step you take towards your goals...
Every month you will have access to new follow along workouts. When you log in to your member's dashboard you are going to see a number of videos ranging from beginner all the way to advanced...
Plus I have included demo videos to make sure you know exactly how to perform each exercise...
Even more, every month we are going to unlock new recipes and a master shopping list as recommended by our certified nutritionist, Allison!
If you HATE dieting, then you are in the right place... I crafted these recipes and food combos to be not only amazing for ramping up your metabolism, but also not boring you or making you gag in the process ;-)
Plus each month you are going to be invited to a private member's only live coaching call! We are going to get nitty gritty... It's the perfect time to ask whatever questions you have PLUS bring you awesome new health tips and tricks!
And the last thing to get pumped for is no-holds-bar, 24-7 access to my Success Coaches, Customer Support and the AMAZING and INSPIRING Accelerated Body Transformation Club Group.
I want to cancel my membership.
Sad to see you go, but all you have to do is use THIS LINK.
Looking for more? Check out our in depth FAQS here
Svelte Training Customer Support
We’re here for you around the clock! We can help you with questions regarding your access to the members-only area, billing issues, and anything else you might need.
FAQs: Need help? Check these out!
Customer Support: (317) 662-2322
Phone Hours: Monday – Friday 730am-5pm (Mountain Standard Time)
Send us a message! We will get back to you within 24-48 hours
1M+ Clients
With 15 years of experience, we have helped over 1 million clients change their lives.
Trusted Experts
Our team is NASM certified (CPT, BCS, FNS, WLS) which means that you are in capable hands.
260K Subscribers
Our videos, photos and content reach a quarter million subscribers daily.
“It has been easy to commit to this lifestyle and change necessary to succeed and also such a wake up call to how weak physically I let myself get.”
— Kristine L.
“I had my yearly physical & bloodwork done this week. ALL of my numbers are good & for the first time in years, my cholesterol was down! This program is working!”
— Mara S.
“I’ve lost 13lbs! Feeling great and loving all the different exercises. I might even wear a bikini at the beach next week! Thanks team!!
— Lisa P.
“Since I started I’ve lost 15lbs and a total of 12 inches. I’m pretty pleased with myself because nothing else ever worked.”
— Pam H.
“I am a 68 year old geezer who has lost about 15lbs and feels pretty good!! Thanks the Lord for you and the nice (hard) workouts!! Thank YOU!
— Steve B.
“After only 1 week I’ve lost 3 inches around my waist and hips. So yea I’m a believer!! Thank you Svelte Training for your amazing generosity!