Importance of Accountability

I know fitness journeys can be hard, and sometimes intimidating. But normally the things we fear the most, have the most promising results after we push through that fear. Although, how are we supposed to push through on the hardest days? What about the days you feel like giving up? Or the days that seem too hard for us? Those are the days you hold yourself accountable.

  Accountability is so important when it comes to any journey in life, because it pushes you to not give up. It pushes you to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the bigger picture. Accountability is pushing yourself, and having peers to help push you to always be your best. It’s a person, a group, or even an animal that pushes you to get over that fear, to push through that hard day, and to realize only YOU have the power to create change for yourself. 

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Now, if you’re telling yourself that you don’t have an accountability partner, regardless of who or what it is in your corner. You’re wrong. I’m here for you! No matter where you are in your journey, or how tough your day is, I am here for YOU

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And…it gets better!! Each one of my programs like my One and Done or Metaboost, have an upgrade option once you’ve purchased the program that provides you with thousands of accountability partners. Some of those accountability partners could even end up being life long friends, that keep YOU on track and help you live your best life! 

Accountability simply means being responsible for decisions made, actions taken, and assignments completed, like workouts or meal prep! Cedarville University wrote that, accountability promotes ownership, when you make yourself accountable for your actions, you’re effectively teaching yourself to value all your hard work that you have already put in, and will still continue to put in. Accountability also improves performance by eliminating the time and effort you spend on distracting activities and other unproductive behavior.  

The Washington Post wrote, wellness accountability partners help each other set and maintain goals for nutrition, exercise and overall well-being. The premise is that knowing someone else is watching you — and vice versa — raises the bar and makes it more difficult to slack off on, say, eating healthfully or working out. Knowing that someone else is counting on you does the same.

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That’s why I created the Accelerated Body Transformation Club, because I never wanted anyone to feel like they were alone in this huge lifestyle change that was being made. But it all started with the One and Done, the One and Done program I created, was built to make the stress of the gym and hours of working out, nearly nonexistent. They are simple, low impact, 7 minute workouts. That’s right! You read it correctly, ONLY 7 minutes!! This allows you to stay accountable for yourself, and you have me right by your side! The One and Done is something that can be done right when you wake up, during your lunch break, while you're making dinner, or before you go to bed at night! There’s no excuse for it to not “fit” into your schedule, or take up too much time. It’s a program I full heartedly believe allows accountability to be a reality, and it’s ONLY 7 minutes, if you want to learn more about how 7 minutes can change your life, click here

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Another way to get access to my world renowned Accelerated Body Transformation Club, is through my MetaBoost program. Nutrition is something not everyone realizes is super important for your fitness journey. You can workout consistently, and be great at it, but you won’t see the results you crave without a healthy nutrition plan to follow. So after the One and Done was created, I started working on my fabulous MetaBoost program, which is an amazing nutrition fitness system designed for women over 40, even though anyone can do it and still benefit your weightloss journey! For women over 40, the MetaBoost program focuses on foods and exercises that help balance hormonal issues and inflammation. And all of these amazing ingredients can be purchased at the grocery store. If you’re like me, and need help making your nutrition plan BETTER, click here!

I promise you won’t regret these tasty meals! 

Accountability can be scary, because it means opening up in ways you may not have opened up before, but the fun part about it all, is that you may be creating something new for yourself. This could be a new way to open up, new friends, or a new mindset for yourself!! Whatever it is, it’s benefiting you! And because I’m asking you to go out of your comfort zone, here is a little something extra that will help kickstart your fitness journey and get you the goals you never thought were possible! Click here for your kickstart surprise! 


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