Reducing Belly Fat: Tips and Exercises

Reducing Belly Fat

Belly fat is a more common problem than previously thought. EVERYONE has some form of belly fat since our body uses it as a protective barrier for our internal organs.

While some fat in the belly area is normal, too much body fat in the core area can lead to other health issues.

This article will discuss how improving nutrition, increasing activity, and making other smart lifestyle changes can all help melt away unwanted belly fat.

Let’s Chat About Belly Fat

Talking About Belly Fat

An excess of abdominal fat surrounding your stomach is known as belly fat. There are several types of fat, but the one I will be focusing on in this article is visceral fat.

Visceral fat is found beneath the muscles in your stomach and can be a risk to your health when there is too much of it. This type of body fat severely impacts the body internally by producing too many hormones and chemicals.

Research has found that an abundance of visceral fat is linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease, and even certain cancers. So what can we do about it?

Cleanse & Detox

Green Smoothie Detox

An all-natural way to get your body ready to burn fat in the core area is with a cleanse or detox. A fruit and vegetable juice detox can improve energy, help lose weight, and target fat throughout the body. By consuming lots of veggies and fruit you’ll also benefit from an increased intake of vitamins and minerals.

My Green Smoothie Detox is a 10-Day nutrition plan with tons of nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable recipes to help get rid of bloat, slim down, and increase your energy. It can help you lose weight faster, and feel more energized! 

A juice or smoothie cleanse can kickstart a healthier lifestyle. Replacing processed foods, saturated fats, and empty refined carbs with nutrition-packed fruits and vegetables can turn your body into a fat-burning machine!

There’s No Doubt: You Have To Workout

Mere Shirk Working Out

To target your core area, just eating properly might not be enough. Physically working out your core can lead to better overall health, balance, posture, and stability. 

Your core is your center of gravity, and a strong core allows for more fluent body movements throughout an exercise and everyday life. We use our core in more everyday activities than you would think. Simple tasks such as sitting down in a chair or standing while cooking a meal require a solid core.

An effective way to workout is your core is with my Lean & Flexible Body System, which is specifically designed to target the core in several ways. The Lean and Flexible Body System uses low impact movements to strengthen the abdominal area. Within the program, there are instructed guided videos to target the core and burn belly fat. To wrap up the workout I use dynamic stretching to prevent injury.

Try Out This Standing Belly Toning Workout!

This workout is designed to help tone up stomach muscles and get those six-pack abs you’ve been looking for!⁣⁣ This core workout only takes 9 minutes!

If you enjoyed this YouTube video and want to stay in the loop for more workout videos… please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.



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Nutrition is More Than Counting Calories