Nutrition is More Than Counting Calories

Counting Calories Notebook

If your goal is to melt off some extra weight, a recent study reveals nearly half (49.1%) of American adults have also attempted to do so in the last 12 months. 

When it comes to losing and managing weight, many diet programs insist on recording every calorie. However, solely counting calories can have a negative impact on weight loss.

This article will explore why counting calories doesn’t always work and help explain the benefits of focusing on the quality of food instead.

Not All Calories Are Create Equally

Not All Calories Are Created Equally

Calories are the amount of energy in food or beverages. For our organs to function properly, the body needs fuel from a steady supply of calories and nutrients. 

While counting every calorie may seem like a good idea… The quality of what you are consuming plays a more significant impact on your overall health. Foods high in energy, but low in nutritional value provide empty calories.

To identify which foods consist of empty calories, you need to become familiar with nutrition labels. Be cautious of foods containing solid fats and added sugars.

Solid fats include ingredients like butter and animal fats. These empty calories in processed food don’t provide much nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, or essential fatty acids.

Processed Foods vs. Whole Foods

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Let’s look at an example of two different handfuls of afternoon snacks. The first option in front of you has 200 calories and the other one has 231. If you are blindly basing your decision on counting calories... you would most likely pick the 200 calories, since it has fewer calories. 

The surprising part here is the higher calorie snack is a handful of almonds and the lower calorie option is highly processed gummy bears.

The almonds are the same portion size, but the higher calorie option is healthier since it is an all-natural snack with lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Basing your decision on calorie intake would lead you to consume a highly processed sugar-loaded candy! Instead, make a wise and educated decision based on the full nutritional value of the snack. 

Sustainable Nutrion Program

Salmond and Avocado Salad

When choosing your meals, plan on eliminating processed foods. These empty calories can actually drive your body to consume and crave more food.

Instead, focus on choosing lean meats and lots of fruits and vegetables in their natural form.

If you are searching for a healthy and sustainable nutrition program that is easy to follow along with, I’d recommend my MetaBoost program.

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One of the reasons MetaBoost is so effective is because it’s based on MetaInfluencers. The program uses special foods that can cause cellular combustion to burn fat, reduce inflammation, and create natural energy.

MetaInfluencers are delicious all-natural food such as broccoli, salmon, and avocado! These whole foods give your body the fuel it needs to thrive and burn fat! 

Following the MetaBoost nutrition program doesn’t require counting calories, instead, it gives you recipes and a grocery list to help ensure your success on the program! All of the ingredients for these nutritious meals can be purchased at your local grocery store! 


Foods and nutrition are much more than just calories. Make the lifestyle change from eating processed foods to nutrient-rich whole foods. The fewer additives the better!  

If you found this blog helpful please follow my Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram pages for more health and nutrition advice. 



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