Swapping Cocktails for Mocktails

Have you ever woken up feeling refreshed after a night of drinking? If you said yes, please let me in on your secret! I used to feel like a fish who’s been out of water for too long. I also found myself craving fatty, unhealthy foods the next morning to help soak up the alcohol. Not to mention I had a metabolism as slow as molasses! Not only did cocktails ruin my diet, but my energy was also drained for the entire day and any activities planned didn’t end up happening. I kept asking myself if only there was something I could enjoy drinking that didn’t ruin my success or leave me feeling sluggish. Then I realized, there is a drink I could enjoy, and stay on track

Ever heard of an Elixir? An elixir is a combination of ingredients that help detox, cleanse, and fill the body with an abundance of nutrients. Elixirs are 100% naturally created drinks with the use of fruits and spices to help provide you with the best feeling without the hangover! I’ve swapped my sugary cocktails for Elixir mocktails and have never felt better! These drinks have helped boost my metabolism, increase my energy levels, and aid in digestion. The best part about an Elixir is they’re quick and easy to make with an endless amount of recipes to choose from. You can drink it cold or warm, but either way, you’re reaping the awesome benefits. I always recommend drinking it in the morning before breakfast to kickstart your day or in the evening before bed for a peaceful night’s sleep. Some even do it both ways everyday, elixirs can’t hurt you, and only benefit your body! 

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You’d never guess my favorite Elixir, but I’m going to tell you anyway! The elixirs provided within the MetaBoost program I created are my absolute favorite go to’s. The feeling of a good cleanse and natural energy boost is unparalleled to any wave I’ve ever surfed! These elixirs contain Meta Influencers, which are from a list of the 5 main superfoods that the body needs and contain nutrients that provide the best path to success for any fitness journey. My MetaBoost program is an amazing nutritionally based fitness system designed for women over 40 (don’t let that fool you, anyone can do this and benefit). It focuses on foods and exercises that help balance hormonal issues and inflammation, while also benefiting weight loss. AND every single ingredient can be purchased at the grocery store. Simple, easy, convenient AND beneficial. What could possibly be better than this?

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I’ve been to numerous social gatherings, but never one that offered a mocktail filled with fat-burning ingredients and tasted better than my usual alcohol and sugary filled cocktail. Which allowed my backyard BBQ to be a hit throughout the neighborhood. Summer has only just begun, and my neighbors are already asking for the recipes and more gatherings! No one could believe this Elixir was loaded with antioxidants and metabolism-boosting ingredients and tasted delicious on top of it, without a splash of alcohol! And when I revealed that this was the work of my MetaBoost program, almost all of their jaws dropped and everyone was asking for more info!  

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A few great, and fun techniques to make an elixir look amazing with all the health benefits is remembering that color is key. Bright bubbly colors always appeal to the eye! For example, I love using thin grapefruit slices because this fruit is filled with a pretty pink color on the inside. Not only are these fruits pretty in color, but are also packed with nutrients that may benefit your immune system. Did you know they are also considered a natural appetite suppressor? Can’t beat it, but can eat it! Another great citrusy friend is lemons, they also add a pop of color and a wonderful zesty taste with anti-inflammatory agents. Lemons are not just sour, they aid in weight loss, provide you with a dose of Vitamin C, and help with digestion. It gets better, if you thought peaches were just for eating, think again. I added sliced peaches to my Elixirs and the crowd went wild! I muddled a few slices of the peach to release some juice from the fruit, which would give it that sweet savory flavor. Not to mention 85% of a fresh peach is water. This fruit may improve skin elasticity and is helpful in controlling blood pressure, can help de-bloat, and it includes Vitamin A to support healthy vision. Have I sold you on swapping out your regular cocktail for a nutrient-packed Elixir?

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Remember, these drinks are fun and easy to make and can be tailored to your taste buds and desires. Whether you’re looking for a fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, immune support Elixir, or all three, you can find simple ingredients at your local grocery store. Spice it up, dress it up, you can’t mess it up! If you’re interested in more ideas for delicious anti-inflammatory and immune boosting Elixirs and other recipes, check out the MetaBoost Connection program!

Ps. Here’s a sneak peak to a Virgin Mojito you and your family will love!! Click here for the best mocktail recipe in town! 


Social Media VS Reality


Confused on whether to buy organic or not? - This will help