Who said Chocolate couldn’t be a wo(man)’s weight loss best friend?

Chocolate, our best friend and at times our enemy. It’s the best friend that is always there for you and always fulfills that sweet tooth craving. It’s the one thing you know you can count on to cheer you up...until you’re done... Then that sweet, dark, craving, turns into your worst enemy because suddenly you're filled with guilt. You’re questioning why you just had to eat that, you’re looking at your body in the mirror, and you regret consuming the sweetness that made you happy moments before. I’ve been there, oh trust me, I’ve been there. It’s not easy, and it sucks. BUT why do we have to feel guilty? Why does one square of chocolate make us feel like our whole plan was flushed down the toilet? Well, I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way

Chocolate does have some health benefits that not a lot are aware of. And I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it now - how you treat yourself mentally reflects your progress! When you label something as an “off-limits” item, especially something like chocolate, it allows your mind to crave it more, but feel awful after you do eventually consume it. But that all stops here.. You CAN have a healthy relationship with chocolate. It’s all about the kind, and the portion, and you can satisfy that craving AND stay on track. Sounds too good to be true right? WRONG! Surprisingly, dark chocolate is known to have quite a few benefits, and they aren’t silly “makes you happy” benefits either, they are oh so real and they might just shock you! This is why I developed what I call the MetaBoost Connection! It’s a way of eating that allows you to indulge in your sweet cravings the right way so you’re happy AND your metabolism is happy. It’s a win-win. Who doesn’t love that? If you want to eat chocolate, lose weight, and BOOST your metabolism, Click Here to watch my short presentation on how to lose weight while still enjoying your favorite treats. 

Eat 1oz of Dark Chocolate today.png

Hopkins did some research and found that dark chocolate can actually do quite a few things, such as:

Increase heart health

Dark Chocolate contains antioxidants that can assist in lowering your blood pressure, reduce the risk of blood clots, AND increase blood circulation to the heart which may lower the risks of stroke, heart disease, and so much more! 

Balances the immune system: 

Flavonols are found in dark chocolate and are known to assist the immune system so it doesn’t put itself into overdrive. They also help reduce oxidative stress, which is an imbalance that can be caused by cells fighting against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and aging, which is also a common cause of many diseases.

Combats diabetes: 

Epicatechin protects cells, makes them stronger, and supports the processes that help the body to use insulin better, which might prevent or combat diabetes. Polyphenols in dark chocolate may improve insulin sensitivity, or how well insulin works in the body. Which in the end may help control blood sugar, according to research published in Endocrine Abstracts. Such improved insulin sensitivity may delay, or even prevent, the onset of diabetes.

Improves brain function:

Research has also shown that dark chocolate can not only improve brain function but also speed up our reaction time and strengthen our memory when consumed in moderation. This is because of the “flavonols” in dark chocolate. Flavonols have been shown to improve blood flow to the brain and help lower blood pressure.

Boosts athletic performance: 

Dark chocolate also consists of an ingredient called epicatechin. This special ingredient increases the amount of nitric oxide in the blood and in turn, helps with circulation and the reduction of oxygen you use while performing moderate to vigorous physical activity. As a result, this allows you to work out at an intense pace for a longer period of time. But why not have something short and sweet? My one and Done exercises! My unique routines can provide you with quick, simple, low impact workouts while providing the same effect if not better results than what you would receive from going to the gym for an hour, AND to top it off… My MetaBoost Connection includes this sweet indulgence, in a way, where you don’t have to feel guilty! You’ll be rocking that dress or those pair of pants you’ve been eyeing in NO time! 

Reduces Stress: 

Researchers have confirmed that people who consume about 1 ounce of dark chocolate daily, end up feeling less stressed, along with a drop in levels of stress hormone cortisol. This benefit is huge since stress has been shown to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 

As you can see, dark chocolate isn’t a monster and can actually be helpful to our bodies. Now I'm not saying that you should be consuming any amount of chocolate, however, having about 1 ounce daily can ultimately help with the proven research mentioned above. You can choose to eat the dark chocolate plain or even add it to smoothies, fruit, or even create a  homemade hot chocolate. Sweet right? Have fun with it and enjoy


Do This, Not That, When Eating Out


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