Did You Choose a Program that Fits YOU and YOUR Goals?

Have you ever followed a diet or exercise program and felt satisfied with the results? If you’re like most people trying to lose weight, the answer is likely no.  There are just so many diet plans out there and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one works best for you. Not to mention the cost of those plans may also leave you feeling drained and frustrated. Some of these regimens include tedious calorie counting, intermittent fasting, or even using a point system to calculate nutrition information. There are also tons of fitness programs out there that claim to produce noticeable results but the road to reaching those desired goals can be hard and exhausting. Not to mention the large, pricey equipment some require, like a spin bike that can cost you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of dollars. These types of diets and exercise programs can make your head spin when it comes to trying to choose the right one for yourself. That is why it’s important you know which foods and training programs work best for your body because everyone is different. So what goals are YOU trying to achieve? Click here to talk to a Svelte coach TODAY! 

How do you know for sure which diet or fitness program is right for you? When choosing a plan, be sure to think about what you've tried in the past and how that regimen worked for your body. What were the cons and pros? Was it hard to follow? Did you see the results you wanted to achieve? Determine what you want from the plan you’re following and remember that you pick the plan, the plan doesn't pick you! You may even feel more motivated to follow a diet or exercise routine when you have someone else working alongside you in the same program. Working with another person on the same or similar goal can not only make it more fun but also help you both stick with it and succeed. You are not alone!! Scroll to read some of our Svelte Coaches stories, who they are, and why they chose this life, and to help push YOU to their goals!!

You should also be aware of choosing the wrong program as well. As I stated earlier, there are numerous programs to choose from and it can be difficult to select the right one for your own body. Choosing a plan that is too demanding might cause your body stress and fatigue, which can negatively affect your progress when it comes to reaching your goals. The frustration might set in and detour you even more to achieving what you want. There are many aspects to weight loss and/or muscle gain and it’s a process that requires patience and commitment. Set boundaries so you don’t set yourself up for failure, meaning, you should look for a program that is challenging but not grueling. A program that is crafted for you!

When it comes to your overall health, making yourself a priority is key. Stay true to yourself and your goals and challenge yourself to achieve them. Take care of your body because it’s the only one you have. Be picky when it comes to choosing a program that fits all of your needs. Your health is the most important investment you will ever make. Focus on why you wanted to start this journey in the first place… 

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Don’t settle, choose a program that will actually help push you towards your goals by using the right type of nutrition and fitness regimens your body requires and most importantly, the support.

Whether you have short-term goals, long-term goals, or both when it comes to diet and exercise programs, creating healthy habits over time and sticking to them is what matters most. It can be challenging to find the right program and even more difficult to find one that you’ll enjoy, but remember it’s not just a diet or fitness program, it’s an overall healthy lifestyle change.  A lifestyle change that you have the power to create, and feel confident in! This is YOUR journey, YOUR life, and YOUR success. This journey may be a marathon, but knowing that each day you wake up and decide to continue is an important success to focus on! So why not have it all and take a step in the right direction... click here for YOUR goals to come to life! 

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Who said Chocolate couldn’t be a wo(man)’s weight loss best friend?


Let’s Spill Some Tea..and Drink It!