3 Healthy Boundaries You Should Consider Setting

Healthy boundaries allow us to build who and what we are. They allow us to focus on the good, without falling out to the bad. And most importantly, it helps guide us to our goals, without overwhelming ourselves.

Healthy boundaries are the type of boundaries that allow your mental and emotional health to remain stable and strong. This is crucial for any fitness journey! When it comes to achieving your goals, making sure you have a positive mindset, and healthy boundaries are crucial! 

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Try these 3 healthy boundaries that may help you achieve your goals, and give you the success you crave:

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  • What you eat is the number one boundary you should consider creating. Nutrition values health, and it’s important to create a boundary and care for the items you place into your body. You can start this by limiting highly processed, packaged foods. While also, reducing the amount of foods with added salts, sugars, or fats! You should also try to avoid foods that were changed from their natural state, such as apple juice versus a whole apple, chicken nuggets versus a fresh chicken breast, or vegetable chips versus fresh vegetables. Clean eating nourishes your body with healthy and nutrient-dense foods. Clean foods fill your body with plentiful vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein and healthy fats, which improve heart and brain health, assist with weight management, build a stronger immune system and increase energy levels, among other benefits. Foods in their natural state are more flavorful. With this being said, I recommend cooking more meals from home. I have an amazing 11 day program, that allows you to follow a set schedule, eat clean, all while cooking and eating food straight from your kitchen!! If you’re interested to check out more, click here to read more about my MetaBoost program!!

  • EXERCISE!! This is such a huge one when it comes to creating healthy and safe boundaries. The fitness industry has created so many options, allowing us to question which one truly fits our needs, and aims for success. Find a program that allows you to grow, and move at a pace you are comfortable. Let's talk about simplicity! Exercising and being active doesn't have to be hard or time consuming! In fact you can get the same impact of a 45 minute workout in just 7 minutes! With my One and Done program, I provide 2 levels of intensity while also providing 3 levels of schedules for you to follow!! This allows you to move at your own pace, and achieve all your goals! I also provide modifications for movements that may cause pain or discomfort! If you would love to look more into this, click here for more information on the One and Done program! Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint!!

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Cheat meals...We love them, we fall into them, but we struggle to defeat the hold they have on us. The woman’s club wrote, “Let's face it, we live in a world where indulging has become the norm, rather than the exception. When you live life without fitness boundaries, everyday is an opportunity to indulge. These indulgences all add up quickly, causing your clothes to become tight and your energy levels to drop. Place boundaries around when you can indulge. You'll find that by limiting your indulgences you'll end up enjoying them even more.”

Here are some natural ways you can help cut those cravings:

  • Drink water!! If you drink a full glass of water, this fills your need for hunger. And allows you to feel fuller, while also keeping you hydrated!

(Try out my summer detox waters to help curb those cravings, while hydrating and keeping YOU on track!! Click here for more information)

  • Distance yourself from the craving!! If you reduce the temptation by not allowing yourself to be near it, such as in the house, this will reduce you falling into your cravings. We’re all human so let’s face it, never indulging is impossible but there are ways you can have your cake and eat it to! Like my free E-book that features 11 guilt free desserts, check it out here 

  • Practice Mindful Eating: Emotional eating is eating as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness and loneliness. Major life events or, more commonly, the hassles of daily life can trigger negative emotions that lead to emotional eating and disrupt your weight-loss efforts. Mindful eating is about practicing mindfulness, a type of meditation, in relation to foods and eating. It teaches you to develop awareness of your eating habits, emotions, hunger, cravings and physical sensations. One 6-week study in binge eaters found that mindful eating reduced binge eating episodes from 4 to 1.5 per week. It also reduced the severity of each binge. Eating mindfully involves being present while you eat, slowing down and chewing thoroughly. It is also important to avoid distractions, like the TV or your smartphone.

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There are many ways to create healthy boundaries for your fitness journey, it’s just finding the right ones that make you feel confident and comfortable. And allow you to build to your success, and achieve the goals that are within YOUR reach!

If you found this article helpful please share it with your friends and family! Stay tuned for more tips coming your way soon!



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