4 Ways to Improve Skin Elasticity

Our skin is like a rubber band, the more we keep pulling at it the more elastic it becomes! And it all starts with how we take care of ourselves on the inside, to reflect how we look on the outside. 

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A great way for you to test your skin elasticity, is by doing this quick trick: 

  1. Rest your non-dominant hand comfortably on a hard surface with the palm facing down.

  2. Use your index and thumb to pinch the skin on the back of your hand and hold it for five seconds.

  3. Release and count how long the skin took to return to its place completely.

The fibers holding your skin layers together are collagen and elastin fibers. However, as you age, your body reduces its production of colleges and elastin fibers! Some reasons that you may be losing skin elasticity could be from outside factors or inside factors, for example the Sun can be your #1 enemy! A clinical study that looked at sun exposure among nearly 300 women, found that exposure to UV rays was indeed responsible for about 80% of the visible aging signs. One of the main causes of decreased skin elasticity is dehydration. By the time we reach adulthood, our bodies are about 60% water! When your skin is dehydrated you will notice that it will start to get flaky, loose, and wrinkled. 

Here are 4 ways to improve your skin's elasticity naturally:

  • Exercise regularly

A great way to help firm your skin, and keep it tight is exercising regularly. Working out will increase your circulation and collagen production and make your cells work more effectively. If you’re looking for a great, quick, and easy way to stay fit without spending hours in a gym, check out my One and Done workout program...it only takes 7 MINUTES!! Click here if you want to learn more!! 

  • Wear sunscreen 

As you know, exposing your skin to the sun causes a lot of damage, so wear sunscreen and if you are going to be exposed to the sun for extended periods of time try wearing a hat that provides shade to your face.

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  • Sleep 

A good night sleep will help your skin restore, giving it a change to fight free radicals, increase collagen production, and allow your creams and serums to work better. Adults 26 to 64 years of age are recommended to sleep for 7 to 9 hours.

  • Eat healthily 

Too much of anything, can simply be too much! Especially when it comes to refined sugar because it creates molecules in your bloodstream that contribute to collagen and elastin breakdown, so switch the candy bar for a handful of strawberries or other fruits high in vitamin C. A great way to kickstart this awesome new lifestyle would be my MetaBoost program!! An amazing nutrition fitness system designed for women over 40. It focuses on foods and exercises that help balance hormonal issues and inflammation. AND can help boost that Vitamin C!! Click here for more information! 

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Taking care of our bodies, includes making sure that we are strong, tight, and ready to take on the world!! So go get that sunshine with SPF 50 and drink that smoothie!! Let’s keep our skin looking fresh and new!! 


P.S- If you’re looking for some amazing smoothie recipes, I highly recommend checking out my 10 Day Green Smoothie Detox!! It’s the perfect kickstart to a healthy boost, and they’re super tasty, you can click here to find out more! 

If you found this article helpful please share it with your friends and family! Stay tuned for more tips coming your way soon!



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