Morning Routines: 5 Healthy Ways to Kick Off The Day

Successful Morning Routine

Think about mornings where you’re running behind — the mornings spent rushing around hectically, making sure you have everything required for the day before running out the door...

Those days feel rather unpleasant, don’t they? By rushing around it takes you much longer both physically and mentally to get on the right track to success.

Instead, start with a productive morning routine that will set the tone for the rest of the day.  This will help ensure you are on the right track to crushing your fitness and nutrition goals. Here are my top 5 healthy morning habits to kick off your day on a positive note!

1. Sleep Well and Prosper

Benefits of 7 to 9 Hours of Sleep

Did you know sleeping 60 to 90 minutes more per night can lead to feeling happier and healthier? When we don’t sleep for long enough periods, our bodies do not reap the full benefits of sleep. This can affect bodily functions such as muscle repair and memory consolidation. 

To start your morning on the right foot, the preparation starts the night before. Getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night will help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day! 

2. Rise & Shine… It’s Exercise Time!

One and Done Workout from Home

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention promotes regular exercise as one of the most important things you can do for your health. Working out in the mornings, in particular, means there are fewer distractions and can help boost your metabolism.

The tough part of working out in the morning is finding enough time to get an effective workout. My One & Done Program solves this by allowing a quick and effective workout in the morning. 

The One & Done program is highly effective because it’s based on Sprint Interval Training (SIT). This type of workout involves periods of maximum effort followed by periods of active rest. SIT workouts boost metabolism, increase energy, and build muscle. 

Check out this 7-minute full-body toning workout to get an idea of what the One and Done program is all about!

3. Hydrate Yourself

Morning Water

Overnight your body can become dehydrated while you sleep. To replenish, hydrate, and boost metabolism I recommend using my Water Detox Recipes

These detox water recipes are a simple, quick, and effective fix to decrease bloating, fatigue, and constipation. 

These recipes work by stimulating your digestive system, curb sugar cravings, reduce inflammation, and are full of beneficial antioxidants!

4. Burn Baby Burn

Weight Loss Supplements

For those on weight-loss journeys, losing weight and reducing fat can be a hard battle to fight. Thankfully, there are fat burning supplements that may help assist you to get closer to achieving your target body and goal. 

After much research and testing, I discovered an amazing fat burning supplement called Tamaslim. The unique part of Tamaslim is it’s a vegan, dairy-free, and soy-free way to help assist in the body’s natural metabolism. This amazing all-natural supplement produced in the USA can also help cut carb cravings and reduce appetite.

5. Choose Stretching Over Stressing

When you wake up your body may feel tight in your joints and muscles. The tightness is because you've rested all night and didn’t utilize your muscles. Using gentle stretches can help ease discomfort.

For those who feel sore throughout their body and are looking to improve posture, I recommend a morning stretching routine. Stretching is a natural, effective, and safe way to help reduce pain and tightness. Check out my YouTube video stretching routine above that you can follow along from the comfort of your own home. 


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