6 Ways to Help Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process that women experience once reaching a certain age. Some women are lucky enough to experience minimal symptoms as if it never occurred, and other women experience more noticeable symptoms such as inflammation, unwanted weight gain, and more!

Here are 6 ways to ease the side effects of Menopause and inflammation: 

  1. Balanced Nutrition Plan

The foods we put into our body are much more than just nutritious and healthy. Certain foods provide anti-inflammatory aspects that benefit inflammation that may be caused by menopause. A well balanced nutrition plan with the right foods such as dark leafy greens, nuts, and certain fruits are a great way to help lower the inflammation from within!

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2. Exercise

Exercising is a great way to stay healthy by being active, while also benefiting in more ways than one. Exercise can help with unwanted weight gain, while also strengthening your bones and slowing down the process of bone loss after menopause which lowers the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Exercising can also boost your mood by releasing endorphins which is a natural chemical your body creates.

3. Stress Management 

Exercising is a great way to relieve stress, but here are some other awesome ways:

  • Spending time outside is great for the body and mind, it helps relieve stress, anxiety, and any sense of worrisome. Studies show exposure to nature does not only make you feel better emotionally, but also plays a role in your physical wellbeing as well! Exposure to nature can reduce blood pressure, ease your heart rate, and benefit muscle tension. Click here for an awesome outdoor stretch with me!

  • Journaling is beneficial in improving mental health and is an extremely valuable tool. There is a saying, “Taking out the trash,” that many studies have shown to be successful in easing stress!! By taking out the stress, you are writing negative or overwhelming thoughts onto a piece of paper, then tearing the piece of paper up and throwing it away. Then you take a new piece of paper, and write down new positive thoughts. Then when needed, you have a positive affirmation written down that you can re-read. This helps your mind symbolically understand that those negative thoughts are unwanted. And by replacing negative thoughts with the positive ones you are creating a positive safespace in your mind.

  • Listening to soothing music can help lower stress levels by slowing your heart rate and pulse down, while also lowering blood pressure. This is a great way to calm your mind and center you back to your core. 

  • Practicing abdominal breathing is another great way to decompress. When we, as humans, are stressed we have a tendency to breathe abnormally by rapidly breathing from our chest which doesn’t oxygenate the blood properly thus may cause increased heart rate, dizziness, muscle tension, and panic. 

  • Try doing some yoga! Yoga has been a popular way to relieve stress amongst all age groups. Yoga may enhance mood and has the possibility of being almost as effective as antidepressants. Yoga helps lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate. Click here to get a free yoga exercise. 


4. Lowering Your Caffeine intake 

High doses of caffeine may aggravate symptoms of menopause. Menopause symptoms and Caffeine are found often conflicting themselves. Research found that postmenopausal women who regularly drank caffeinated beverages experience more bothersome vasomotor symptoms. 

5. Getting enough Rest

A recent study found a lack of sleep, and rest can cause you to possibly feel more irritable, could lead to more falls or accidents, and may also cause you to be more forgetful than normal. Here are some tips to help make sure you are getting plenty of restful sleep!

  • Try to follow a schedule regularly, go to sleep and wake up at the same time as much as you can. This can be difficult with work schedules, and other life factors, but may help tremendously! 

  • Develop a bedtime routine, this could be as simple as reading a book before bed, listening to soothing music, or soaking in a warm bath.

  • Exercising at a regular time each day is a great benefit to full nights rest, however try not to exercise right before bed, this may cause your body to wake up rather than relax and calm down.

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6. Personal Triggers

If you find that you are a spicy food lover, or hot shower taker and it’s causing hot flashes and night sweats, try limiting your intake of spicy foods. The last 30 seconds of your shower try using cold water, to cool your body off from the hot water! 


Remember, these tips and tricks may not work for everyone, but take some time and look into these!! They are great for your mental and physical health, while also promoting relief from some effects of Menopause. 


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