How to Love Yourself

The journey of achieving goals, and fighting each day to keep going is a long road with lots of obstacles. But what we often seem to forget, is who we are doing it for. One could say they are doing it for their family or their significant other. But truthfully, you are doing it for YOU. You are fighting each day, You are not giving up, You are making the changes you want to see. 

For YOU. 

So this year, instead of worrying about who will be your valentine, focus on loving yourself. And to help kickstart the month, here are 10 simple ways to show yourself love this Valentine’s Day, and I challenge you to do at least 5 of them! 

Are you ready? Because I am!

10 ways to show yourself a little more love:

  • Start each day by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying something positive, this could be one thing that you’ve accomplished, One compliment, or just that today will be a great day! 

  • Do something active, it could be something as simple as my 7 minute workout, which has proven to boost serotonin levels or also known as the happy hormone!! Your body is your temple, and the best way to love yourself, is by making sure that you take care of it and learning to love the skin that you are in! 

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  • Each success is a win, big or small! Celebrate each one, and take that victory! You are working hard, you are getting up everyday, and you deserve to treat yourself

  • Be patient, success doesn’t happen overnight, but little by little things will start to fall into place. Be proud of yourself, be proud that you are trying!

  • Learn to say no. Sometimes we feel that taking care of ourselves comes off as selfish. But sometimes you just need a break from the world, and you just need time with yourself! That’s okay!

  • Do a facemask, and take a bubble bath! Relaxing after a long day, a long week, or even a long hour, as a reward for yourself. Take some time to just unwind and let yourself breathe!

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  • Express yourself! Get creative and do something fun or out of your comfort zone, let your natural self show! This could be something as simple as painting or dancing, and the best part about it, there’s no way to fail or do it wrong!! 

  • Find your happy place. There are times where stress often sneaks up on us, and overwhelms us, and drowns us in dark holes. Find a happy place, and whenever you are starting to doubt yourself or you feel overwhelmed, think of your happy place and mentally take yourself there!

  • Treat others how you would want to be treated. Show some love and respect for the people around you whether it’s someone you know or a stranger passing by, because it won’t only make the other person feel good, but it’ll make you feel good too! 

  • Be kind to yourself. This is a big one. We only have one body, for one life. Know that you are doing the best you can each and every day. If you are on a diet, and you have a cheat day, that’s fine. If you exercise every day, and you skip a day, that’s fine. If you made a mistake, are you just having a day that feels like the world is a little heavier, that’s fine! You are human. You’re not superwoman. You’re not Superman. You are human, and that’s the strongest superpower. If you ever feel embarrassed or ashamed or you made a mistake, don’t think of it as a problem or something to weigh you down, think of it as a lesson and learn something from it!

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I challenge you to choose at least 5 ways to show yourself love this month, doing any combination of these self care tips will make you feel rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to take on the world! Let’s do this together, and spread the love with every step we take!! 


P.S Check out TamaSlim, it’s a great way to help cut cravings, accelerate weight loss, and boost your metabolism!!


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