Does Your Water Brand Matter?
Water, it’s a topic I just can’t stress enough because it's not only important, it’s necessary. Water is hydrating, beneficial, and keeps your body in its best condition. If you don’t know why water is so important, and how it can change you in more ways than just hydrate your body, then make sure to check out my blog, Liquid of Life. This blog goes in-depth about the importance of water, and all the benefits it holds.
When it comes to water, we think it’s all the same, right? Well, unfortunately, not all just water. We want water that is clean, healthy and helps our bodies instead of hurting them. So - leaving the question, does your water brand matter?
As a simple answer, yes. Your water brand does matter. For example, there are some waters that are currently on the market and have high pH levels, which isn’t great. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the pH level of water sources should be at a pH measurement level between 6.5 to 8.5 on a scale that ranges from 0 to 14. The best pH of drinking water sits right in the middle at a 7. pH isn't a quality that falls under EPA regulation because it's considered an aesthetic quality of water. However, the agency recommends that municipal drinking water suppliers keep their water supply at a pH of 6.5 to 8.5. Are you still with me? I know this information can be quite surprising. From the time I was young up until a few years ago, I thought that the water quality in each water bottle was the same, even though some tasted different than others. Then I took a step back and started looking more closely at the water I was drinking in order to hydrate myself. That’s when I came to the conclusion that some brands of water were actually not great for the human body!
And all while finding this information about my WATER...I took a look at my nutrition too. If I was harming my body by digesting unsafe water, what was I doing to my body with the foods I ate? I wanted to provide my body with the best possible nutrients there were, so I could live a long healthy life for my family, and for ME. That’s when I created the MetaBoost program. It focuses on foods and exercises that help balance hormonal issues and inflammation. MetaBoost is based on MetaInfluencers. MetaInfluencers are special foods that can cause cellular combustion to burn fat, reduce inflammation, and create natural, sustainable energy. MetaInfluencers include broccoli, salmon, and avocado! Click here for a free video on how to make sure your food is just as safe as your water!
“So, now that we have our nutrition under control, our water is safe...who can stop us from reaching our goals?”
Research has found that acidic water with a pH of less than 6.5 is more likely to be contaminated with pollutants, making it unsafe to drink. Some examples of negative side effects include the lowering of natural stomach acidity, which helps kill bacteria and expel other undesirable pathogens from entering your bloodstream. Additionally, an overall excess of alkalinity in the body may cause gastrointestinal issues and skin irritations…. Yikes. But in saying that, this does not mean that a higher number is better either. It’s crucial to have your drinking water lay within the pH levels of 6.5 to 8.5, as a higher number may cause issues as well.
If you're thinking, “well how can I test the water I’m drinking” well… you can test your water right in the comfort of your own home! All you need is a home test kit. These come in many different forms at different price points. Some of the most highly rated pH test products are water quality tester “pens.” Simply dip the pen into a sample of your drinking water and a few moments later receive an accurate pH reading. Rather be safe than sorry!
So now that we’ve covered how to drink water that is clean, and safe. Let’s talk about flavor. I know this may come as a surprise to some, but not all. And I do have a solution for you! If you’re one who struggles with water, to begin with, and the taste becomes bland after a while, try out my awesome recipe book that’ll take your water to next-level luxury with color and taste!! If you love berries, find citrus refreshing, and bland water isn’t for you anymore click here for an amazing recipe book that will spice up your water!