Pretty Plants for a Healthy Life

What do you think of when you hear the word, plants? Personally, I love decorating my home with different kinds of indoor plants, whether they be short, tall, green, or yellow… the options are endless. They even go beyond decor! Did you know that having indoor plants can improve air quality, may actually reduce your stress levels, boost your productivity, and possibly even help you recover from illness faster! If you just learned something, raise your hand… (I have two hands up). Plants are even similar to humans because they’re also a living organism and require oxygen, water, and sunlight just like we do.

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Active interaction with our house plants is not only good for them, but for us too as humans. Research shows that those who spend time around plants, actually have less stress. Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by beautiful plants while reducing stress? Sign me up for that! 

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A few of these plants include, but are not limited to, the Spider plant, Peace lily, and Lavender, which can be found at your local garden center.

Along with reducing stress, plants also play a role in using natural remedies to heal from illness faster. Studies have proven that having indoor plants can help boost your immune system by reducing the amount of toxins in the air and therefore improving our overall well being. When it comes to our health, eating leafy green plants can also increase healing. Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and arugula in particular, are rockstars, and play a vital part in how we get our vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If you’re interested, you can find these and other kinds of superfood ingredients  within my MetaBoost program. Click here If you would like to learn more! 

Plants can also help on those days when you are lacking motivation. I know we can all agree that we have been there once or twice, but throughout my journey I have found that it’s all about the environment you surround yourself with. Adding some color, like decorations and plants have been proven to create more productive workspaces and home life. As these plants and decorations can be calm reminders of why you are working and the goals you have in life. Giving your mind that extra mental boost can help improve your productivity and help you stay on track with your daily routine.

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Studies have even shown that houseplants can improve concentration and performance by up to 15%! So why not have something that will make you not only feel calmer, and more confident but also help you accomplish all the tasks you need each day to lead a fuller and healthier lifestyle. Speaking of improved concentration, did you know that most of the foods found in the MetaBoost program can help boost brain function, and assist in concentration as well? It’s made up of amazing MetaInfluencer superfoods that originate from dark leafy greens! If you are one who struggles with concentrating or feels like taking the easy route - click here for more info on how to BETTER your life!   

Lastly, air quality is another significant factor when it comes to your health. By allowing indoor plants to be in your home and  tackle pollutants, they are instantly restoring balance and leaving you with air that is safer and healthier for you to breathe. Of course I have already mentioned the effects air quality can have on your immune system, but improved air quality can also help to boost your chest health. By breathing fresher air, you can keep your airways clear and irritant free! 

Plants such as the English Ivy, or even the Snake Plant can be great options for filtering out the air of all the harmful toxins you want to stay away from. Although most importantly, maintaining healthy lungs and a healthy heart, especially as you get older, is so important when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. So nonetheless, adding one or two plants to your home could ultimately contribute to helping you both with your mental well being and your physical condition too. And who doesn’t love physical health? In combination with clean air, why not throw in a quick and easy 7 minute workout? Your lungs and body will thank you for it!! My One and Done program is focused on making a healthier lifestyle - simple. All you need is 7 minutes a day, and a big beautiful plant to start bettering your new and improved lifestyle! So let’s make this a One and Done - and get healthier together, Click here

I hope you learned something you didn’t already know about how mighty plants can actually be. I sure did! They’re easy to incorporate into your daily life like adding some plants to your home, office or even to give as a present! Have fun with it!

P.s If you love calming tactics, and a stress free environment here is a gift from me to you! Check out this awesome yoga routine I’m sure you’ll love! 


Let’s Spill Some Tea..and Drink It!


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