4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Habits with a Busy Life

Do you ever find yourself skipping the essential steps in having a healthy lifestyle because life gets in the way? As a mom of two, I know that life can get a little chaotic and sometimes I find myself not taking care of myself as much as I need to. I know that the option of eating out, skipping a workout, or even getting less than 8 hours of sleep seems like a much more feasible option at times. However, trying your best to not fall into those bad habits is key in trying your best to lead a healthier and fuller lifestyle. This is why having the right mindset and a collection of practical tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key in making sure you stay on track!

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It’s important to avoid caving into bad habits, and maintaining your new and improved lifestyle! Whether that be emotionally or physically, it is so important for you to not only show up for yourself but the loved ones you surround yourself with too. Staying healthy even when times get busy can significantly help you increase confidence, productivity and even help reduce your chances of getting sick. In this way, taking care of yourself on the inside will allow you to be even a better YOU on the outside.

Here are some tips on how you can make sure you are maintaining healthy habits while living a busy life..

Practice healthy habits first thing in the morning 

By starting healthy habits early in the morning, you are setting the tone for the rest of the day. You are also more likely to stick to them as the day gets busier! Something as simple as just choosing a healthy breakfast option is a great way to kickstart this new way of thinking. Smoothies, for instance, are an easy way to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still not taking too much of your time. Like my Green Smoothie Detox, the detox that will kickstart your new healthy life and help cleanse your body by filling you with the most delicious, fat-burning nutrients. Proven to naturally boost your metabolism, eliminate harmful toxins in the body and reduce unwanted fat, they are a simple way to incorporate lots of nutrition and deliciousness into one meal! And even for those of you who might not have time to cut up fruit in the morning, pre-packing smoothie bags and putting them in the freezer, the night before, is a fantastic way to make sure you and your family get the necessary nutrients needed to fill your body. If quick and easy is your type of meal, click here to learn more! 

Continue to nourish your body with good-for-you food throughout the day  

Nourishing your body with good-for-you food as your day continues is also super essential in creating healthy habits. You should make finding out what foods make you feel the best and give you the most energy a priority. I made it one step easier for you by creating an awesome nutrition fitness system designed for women over 40, but don’t let that fool you - anyone can do this program, as these special ingredients will benefit the body in so many ways. It focuses on foods and exercises that help balance hormonal issues and inflammation. AND to make it even easier, all of the ingredients can be purchased at any local grocery store. I know finding time to cook when you're constantly on the go can be challenging, but as mentioned before in my previous blog, meal prepping can be a great alternative! Setting aside one or even two days on the weekends to meal prep for the rest of the week can be an awesome way to make sure you are providing your body with the proper nutrients and portions as well! And if you are a mom like me, you can even make it fun by incorporating the kids on which food option they prefer! Click here, and let’s cheers to the new and improved you, and start by providing the best Meta influencers our bodies have ever known!

Remember to Move Your Body 

I know remembering to move your body isn’t always the easiest and working out multiple times a day isn’t always an option. But finding ways to increase your daily exercise is fundamental in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and can be made possible with just a few minor adjustments. Simple changes such as parking a little farther while running errands to get those steps in or even taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make all the difference. Even my One and Done program is centered around quick, simple, and easy workouts that are made to fit a busy lifestyle because it only requires 7 minutes a day!! One and Done focuses on Sprint Interval Training (SIT) which is a subtype of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), but differs greatly in a few ways. SIT involves periods of maximum effort followed by periods of active rest. These workouts boost metabolism, increase energy, and build muscle.  All these options make for a great way to not only stay fit but allow for those feel-good endorphins to be released too! Click here for a FREE workout that can help you start toning, strengthening, and building the body of your dreams! 

Make Sure to Maintain Balance in Your Life

And last but not least, making sure you are finding balance is key to creating a healthy life. It is so easy to run yourself ragged in this busy life, so remember to give yourself permission to slow down and go at a pace that works for you. As this journey is yours, and yours alone, take time to be kind to yourself even when you get a little sidetracked! Even though it is important to eat healthy, and move your body, your mental health is just as important! So make sure you create the habit of not only getting enough rest each night but to do more of what makes you happy. Even incorporating a small portion of your day to yourself to be mindful and set your intention for the day can help make those stressful, busy days a little less stressful. Relaxing your body is key to any lifestyle, as this body is the only body we will ever have, try out this awesome FREE yoga workout to help meditate and calm your mind! 


Nonetheless, no matter how busy life gets, remember to always try your best to maintain those healthy habits. Even if you feel like you have no time, there is always room to make those small everyday choices that can make all the difference when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle. And even if some days you do fall into a bad habit, there is always room to regroup the next day! So try your best not to be too hard on yourself! As I am right there with you, and will be here to hold you accountable every step of the way!


If you have any tips and tricks you would like to add to this busy season of life please feel free to add them in the comments and share them with the rest of the Svelte community!

Click here NOW for more tips and tricks to a healthy lifestyle


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